Daniel Svedberg
Ph.D. Candidate
My Departments/Programs
Quantitative Biology (QB) Interdisciplinary Program
Contact Info
(651) 353-0795
Bassine Science Building, 344
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, 2017
B.A., Physiology Major, Neuroscience Minor
Research interests
Do rats imagine taste, and does imagining taste play a role in pursuing (or rejecting) taste? Animals encounter various cues that advertise food available to them (i.e. a restaurant menu), and such cues come to elicit neural responses in gustatory cortex when a taste is associated with it. I am using in-vivo multi-unit electrophysiology and ensemble-level analyses (such as Bayesian statistics) to study this "taste-advertisement" elicited activity, and its role in decisions to acquire or reject prospective taste advertised by cues.
I am also involved in hardware engineering efforts to introduce electrophysiological recording to new behavioral paradigms, as well as continuing the development of increasing the robustness and recording capacity of our neuro-electrophysiological implants.
Previous Publications
Link to ORCID record